John Paul II,
Bielsko-Biała, May 22, 1995
John Paul II,
Rise, Let Us Be on Our Way
Thanks to the efforts of the Metropolitan of Krakow,
after educating a group of experts, in 1974 a program
of preparation for marriage was introduced
in the entire archdiocese of Krakow.
Stefan Wyszyński,
Millennium Records. Selection from
the “Pro memoria” journal from 1965 to 1967
The Lord's Ark Church in Nowa Huta, a district of Krakow,
which was supposed to be a model communist city
- became a symbol of the fight for religious freedom.
Father Henri de Lubac,
Jesuit, Expert at the Second Vatican Council
Archbishop Karol Wojtyła had a great influence
on the content of the document "Gaudium et spes"
concerning the role of the Church in the contemporary world.
Thanks to his involvement in the Council,
he became recognizable throughout the Church.
Speech of Cardinal Wojtyła to the Polish Episcopate,
1968, Archives of the Archdiocese of Warsaw
Following the publication of Pope Paul VI's encyclical on sexual ethics,
the latter has become the subject of a wave of harsh criticism
in the Western world. It was from Krakow that
he received unexpected support ...