„At that time we had to fight for a place for God in the life of the nation”

Campaign for power over people’s hearts and minds
Second Vatican Council

In the 1960s and 1970s, the prevailing political
system in Central and Eastern Europe
was still the communist regime.
In the West, it was a period of major social and cultural
changes. The Second Vatican Council
also responded to the new challenges.

Bishop in the field

„It is very important for a bishop to have
a rapport with his people and to know
how to relate to them wells”

Thanks to the efforts of the Metropolitan of Krakow,
after educating a group of experts, in 1974 a program
of preparation for marriage was introduced
in the entire archdiocese of Krakow.

Bishop in the field

with authorities

„Just when we started singing: Let Him Be Praised,
the cannons fired with the salute of Marshal
[Marian] Spychalski, who was celebrating
the Millennium of the Polish State at
the nearby Victory Square”

The Lord's Ark Church in Nowa Huta, a district of Krakow,
which was supposed to be a model communist city
- became a symbol of the fight for religious freedom.

Struggles with Authorities

at the Council

„(…) Should we need a pope one day,
I have but one candidate – Wojtyła!
Unfortunately, it is utterly impossible.
He stands no chance”

Archbishop Karol Wojtyła had a great influence
on the content of the document "Gaudium et spes"
concerning the role of the Church in the contemporary world.
Thanks to his involvement in the Council,
he became recognizable throughout the Church.

Wojtyła at the Council

In the International area

"The Holy Father [Paul VI] [...] told me: "thank you very much",
he said it in Polish. These words "thank you very much" [...]
referred to the participation in this great work of Pope
that was "Humanae vitae" and to the position
we took with regard to "Humanae vitae"

Following the publication of Pope Paul VI's encyclical on sexual ethics,
the latter has become the subject of a wave of harsh criticism
in the Western world. It was from Krakow that
he received unexpected support ...

In the International Arena
Primate Stefan Wyszyński
Paul VI
Paul VI
Franciszek Blachnicki
Hanna Chrzanowska
Stanisław Dziwisz
St. Stanislaus of Szczepanów
St. Stanislaus of Szczepanów


Jasna Góra -
Millennium 1966

Jasna Góra - Millenium 1966
The film presents the celebration of the Millennium of the Baptism of Poland held at Jasna Góra on May 3, 1966. Source: Sercańska Kronika Filmowa (The Chronicle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus)

Krakow -
the Skalka procession

Krakow - the Skalka procession
The film presents the procession from Wawel to the St. Stanislaus Church at Skałka, taking place as part of the celebrations of the Millennium of Poland's Baptism in Krakow, May 8, 1966. Source: Sercańska Kronika Filmowa.

Krakow -
Nowa Huta

Kraków - Nowa Huta
A housing estate with a population of 40,000 was built in the village of Mistrzejowice, including it in the Nowa Huta district. However, there was no church there. Father Józef Kurzeja, under the cover of night and with the support of Cardinal Karol Wojtyła, erected a gazebo in August 1970, called the "green booth", serving as a place for teaching catechesis. For this reason, he faced numerous harassments by the authorities. The film presents the Resurrection Mass celebrated by Cardinal Wojtyła in the "green booth" in 1971. Source: archiwalia.com

Gniezno -
Millenium 1966

Gniezno - Millenium 1966
Celebration of the Millennium of the Baptism of Poland in Gniezno on April 13-14, 1966. Source: Sercańska Kronika Filmowa (The Chronicle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Holiday reunions
Letters from the Vatican to the Primate

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Ludmiła Grygiel
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